Saturday, November 30, 2019
Ban of medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Clarita Essay Example
Ban of medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Clarita Paper Under 1995 Compassionate Act, it is legal to use, posses, and cultivate medical Marijuana in Santa Clarita. Acquiring, and possessing medical Marijuana is quite easier than any prescribed drug with a doctors presciption. According to the Act, patients are allowed to purchase Marijuana in medical dispensaries, or on the streets provided they have a doctors recommendation, and if they are California residents (Signal). This is usually proved by producing an identity card and a doctors prescription. This is usually used to ensure Marijuana is used, and cultivated for medical purpose, rather than recreational. In many California cities, use of Marijuana is illegal, but in Santa Clarita, it is not a crime to use and cultivate Marijuana as long as the law terms and conditions are applied. Possessing up to twenty eight and half grams of Marijuana is considered as an unarrestable offense, especially if the individual produces sufficient proof to be a resident, and agrees to appear before the court. After conviction for possessing such amounts, a fine of $ 100 is charge, but possessing greater amounts of Marijuana, the offense is considered punishable, and the offender is sentenced in jail for six months, and are charged a fine of $ 500 (MPP). We will write a custom essay sample on Ban of medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Clarita specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ban of medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Clarita specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ban of medical marijuana dispensaries in Santa Clarita specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In Santa Clarita, Marijuana is usually found anywhere, especially on sierra highway condos. It is common and popular such that every body between the age of fifteen and twenty five, regardless of color or race. Marijuana has various blends and categories in the city. Among all, medical bud is considered to have greater medical benefit, a factor that makes its price to be higher than others. Marijuana dispensaries in Santa Clarita are legalized by the States government, to supply medical Marijuana to all people who prove to be California residents, and who have doctors recommendation bas a prove of their illness. With these prove, individuals are allowed to cultivate the recommended amount of Marijuana and to use it at home without being arrested. The law protects doctor recommendation to Marijuana users under condition they use the recommended amounts of Marijuana without exceeding the dose. They are expected to use it solely without selling it to other people (MoI). Reports of various tests and experiments show that marijuana can be used to treat illnesses, and disorders such as; post traumatic stress disorder, severe anxiety, arthritis, migraine,glaucoma anorexia as a result of chemotherapy, HIV/ AIDS among others. However, in Santa Clarita, many people use Marijuana for other purposes other than medical. Not all people who use, posses or cultivate Marijuana are sick. Although they usually produce doctors recommendation to escape arrest, the recommendations are either fake or invalid the substance for recreation purposes, and use doctors recommendation as a shield to cover them up against arrest, conviction and charges (Indalecio 70). This has increased the use, possession and cultivation of Marijuana in Santa Clarita, as it is hard to tell who is using it for medical purpose, and for pleasure. Although Marijuana has medical value, its negative effects outweighs the benefits. This has caused conflict and arguments between Federal and State law in Santa Clarita. The Federal law is against the use, possession and cultivation of Marijuana; considering the substance to have many harmful effects to the users, people in the society, and the environment. States law Considers use of Marijuana to have medical benefits (Jan 42). The city council of Santa Clarita, has voted to ban medical Marijuana dispensaries, against the States law. Arguments on the ban of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. The Federal law, and its supporters such as the city council of Santa Clarita, argues that majority of of Marijuana users are actually sick, and their health does not require Marijuana, and since they need Marijuana for recreational purposes, they decide to get a doctors recommendation to be able to freely access and use the substance without being arrested, convicted, or being fined. They get Marijuana from legalized Medical Marijuana dispensaries (DrugSense FOCUS Alert). The presciption they use as evidence to doctors recommendation are usually invalid. The users make a deal with doctors who recommend use of Marijuana at a pay. In this case, doctors make many false recommendation in order to get high amounts without considering the harm they are subjecting these individuals to. Medical Marijuana dispensaries end up selling Marijuana to wrong people without knowing that the recommendation is invalid. People study the literature on medicinal uses of Marijuana. They get the knowledge and information about the conditions, and symptoms the substance can treat. With the knowledge, people fake condition that would require prescription of Marijuana. Some of these conditions and illnesses, such as pain cannot be tested in a laboratory, so it becomes hard for doctors to determine the actual health status of the patient. They rely on the information provided by the patients, and which in most cases can not be evidenced. Doctors end up using the clinical signs and symptoms to prescribe Marijuana; the persons interest. Once the doctor has recommended use of Marijuana, the Medical Marijuana dispensaries dispense it without knowing the actual health status and requirement of the of the Marijuana to the user (Weedguru). The fact that Marijuana is common, popular, and allowed to be sold to recommended user at any place makes many people to participate in illegal trade at anyplace. These supplies are located near schools and parks. Easy access motivates young children to use substance, while still at school limiting their concentration and participation school. The process of buying and selling of Marijuana near schools and parks is usually distracting. If the medical Marijuana dispensaries can be banned, supply and use of Marijuana can be reduced, as there would be no legalized suppliers, since many people use the legalized medical Marijuana dispensaries to purchase Marijuana for recreational purposes. Medical Marijuana dispensaries, have influence on crimes. In Santa Clarita, crimes such as robberies, burglaries and sale of illegal drugs, especially outside Marijuana dispensary, are related to Marijuana (Zachariah 408). Medical Marijuana, especially the bud is usually sold at higher cost than the others. The crimes are committed either to earn money to purchase and maintain a consistence access of Marijuana, or by users through the influence of Marijuana. The crimes are increased in urban areas where the medical dispensaries are located. The City Council of Santa Clarita consider having the Marijuana dispensaries banned to reduce the number of crimes. In Santa Clarita, medical Marijuana is legalized but the dispensing Marijuana is against the Federal law (Shohov 121). A ban on legalized Medical Marijuana dispensary would mean destroying the back up of illegal dispensing, and a subsequent collapse. This is likely to reduce the use of Marijuana in Santa Clarita. Marijuana has THC as its active ingredient. Doctors recommend Marijuana as a source of this medically beneficial ingredient, which is believed to relieve and manage pain. Many users argue that banning Medical Marijuana dispensaries will limit the access of this beneficial ingredient of Marijuana , and patients will be be suffering prolonged pain (Brust 140). This argument is not sufficient to oppose the proposed ban of the dispensaries in Santa Clarita, since there are other medicines which are presented in form of pills and injectable which can be used to relieve and manage pain, rather than smoking Marijuana. The pills and injectables can be purchased from pharmacies, and medical facilities meaning that even after the ban of medical Marijuana dispensaries, patients can have pain managed by the other medicines from the pharmacies (Earleywine 148). Although Marijuana manages pain, there are other better, safer, and effective medicines which have negative side effects. Marijuana as medicine, has many negative effects to the user, other people and the environment. Its side effects to the user outweighs its benefits. Tests reports show that pot smoking destroys the respiratory organs, brain, heart, lungs and suppresses the immune system. Reports have associated Marijuana with chronic intractable illnesses especially to the habitual users (Alison and Joy 26). The smoke produced by Marijuana is a toxic pollutant. Studies show that the smoke has about two thousand chemicals which occur in a mix that cannot be be measured, predicted and deter ming their stability is hard. This means that those who use Marijuana are at risk of disorders and illnesses caused by the chemicals in the smoke. The smoke also posses problem to neighbors, since the smoke is emitted to the atmosphere (Alicia 1077). Neighbors of smokers inhale the contaminated atmospheric oxygen, and gets effects similar to the smoker. Although non-smokers suffer the harm without knowing, even with the knowledge, there is nothing they can do to save the situation, but if medical Marijuana dispensaries can be banned, the supply of Marijuana can be limited securing their health. Legalizing medical Marijuana is likely to pave way for legalizing other harmful illegal substances. Since there are other illegal substances containing beneficial medical ingredient, the medical Marijuana dispensaries are likely to dispense other harmful substances claimed to have medical benefits (Gieringer 42). A ban of the existing medical marijuana dispensaries will give a sigh of relief since the probability using other harmful substances will be low. Marijuana has both physical and psychological effects, such as loss of short-term memory, and respiratory related illnesses. Although Marijuana has medicinal ingredients, the medicine can only be taken through smoking, a factor that predisposes the user to illnesses related to smoking. For example, smoking Marijuana is likely to relieve pain, but it increases chances of lung cancer, as the smoke is carcinogenic. Marijuana influences its users to a continuous use. When an individual starts using Marijuana it causes a continuous need making the user to continually use it. Studies show that when Marijuana is used continuously chances of losing motivation in many areas in life increases. Users are likely to be trapped, and its negative influence on users motivation has showed poor performance of the users in their career, studies and other day to day activities. Habitual users of Marijuana have a tendency of forgetting thing after a very short time (Schrag 135). They forget very vital things which causes problems to their health, life, and other peoples in the society. For example, a n habitual user of Marijuana is likely to forget medical appointments causing inconsistence in their treatments. When driving they are likely to forget they are sharing road with other drivers and vehicles, causing accidents. They are likely to lack motivation to attend business meeting, where they are expected to represent their Company, a factor that can make their employers to punish them, or even fire them. People need to perform various duties in their life, and need to be responsible as long as they live with others in the society. People need to work to earn income for effective living, and need to attend medical appointments in a consistence manner to ensure that treatment is effective (Boire and Kevin 171). Since many people take Marijuana as medicine to the illnesses they need to follow appointments for effective treatment and recovery. If a patient can forget an appointment as a result of smoking Marijuana a medicine,then it means that the medicine does the patient more harm than good because the more Marijuana is taken to treat the more the loss of memory a greater problem. Use of Marijuana as a medicine need to be stopped, and be substituted with more effective medicines which reduces the patients illness, rather than adding more serious conditions. This can only be achieved by banning medical Marijuana dispensaries to cut the supply of Marijuana. Studies show that Marijuana impairs mental dexterity and visual skills. This has causes many problems and deaths in Santa Clarita. For example, users of Marijuana are not restricted from driving and riding (Cole 8). What happens is they use Marijuana and drive, or operate other machines. This causes many accidents and injuries in the city. Literature shows that use of Marijuana leads to systemic hypertension and can impair peripheral vasomotor, reflexes and nerves. It influences blood flow to the central nervous system, and limits the auto regulation of cerebral vascular Habitual users have show to be at a risk of stroke as a result of poor blood circulation in the central nervous system. Analysis made on the respiratory system of habitual users of Marijuana shows that Marijuana smoke deposits large amounts of tar in the lungs and the bronchioles. When smoked, the smokers hold s the smoke for some time. Similar studies show that the users of Marijuana have an increased mortality rate and a decreased life expectancy (Crotty 177). This is a threat to Santa Clarita, since the city is under crime, health and financial crisis as a result of increased use of Marijuana. Summary Analysis of the medical benefits of Marijuana particularly in Santa Clarita, it is clear that it has more harm to the users and the society at large. Smoking Marijuana influences the criminal behavior in the city, causes physical and psychological harm to users and their neighbors, increases death and mortality rate, and retards the economic development of the city. This shows that it is better to prohibit the use of Marijuana, and substitute it with other medicines which can effectively treat similar conditions and illnesses with little side effects to the user, and the entire society. This explains the reason why the City Council of Santa Clarita, and the Federal Law vote for ban of medical Marijuana dispensary. References: Boire, Richard and Kevin, Feeney. Medical Marijuana Law. New York: Ronin, 2007. Brust, JCM. Neurological aspects of Marijuana abuse. Boston:Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993. Cole, Spencer. New research on street drugs. Boston: Nova, 2006. Crotty, William. Americas choice 2000. New York: Westview,2001. DrugSense FOCUS Alert. Medicinal marijuana a mine field March 29, 2001. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel. May 15, 2008 http://www. mapinc. org/alert/0201. html Earleywine,Mitchell. Marijuana and the costs of prohibition. New York: Oxford University,2006. Gieringer,Dale. Medical use of Cannabis in California. California: Haworth , 2002. Indalecio, Lozano. Therapeutic use of Cannabis sativa. Cannabis Therapeutics 1. 1 (2001): 68-70 Institute of medicine. Marijuana as Medicine? : Science beyond Controversy. 2000. NAS. May 15, 2008 http://books. nap. edu/openbook. php? record_id=9586page=38 Jan, Ziegler. Medical use of Marijuana. Hospitals and health networks 71. 12 (1997):40-45 Marijuana Policy Project. California and National organization for reform of Marijuana Laws. 2007. CANORML. org and NORML. com. May 15, 2008 http://www. webehigh. com/city/detail. php? CITYID=2335 Schrag, Peter. California: Americas High-stakes Experiment. California: University of California, 2008. Shohov, Tatiana. Medical use of Marijuana. Boston: Nova, 2003. Signal. Santa Clarita should leave the weed to the West side. Apr. 23, 2006. Signal Newspapers Opinion. May 15, 2008 http://forums. cannabisculture. com/forums/ubbthreads. php? ubb=showflatNumber=1164228 Weedguru. Negative medical effects. May 15,2007. Weedguru. com. May 15, 2008 http://www. weedguru. com/agamed. ph Zachariah SB. Stroke after heavy marijuana smoking. Stroke. 22 (1991): 408.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Filing Federal Timber Income Tax
Filing Federal Timber Income Tax Congress has provided timberland owners with some favorable tax provisions. Here are five tips designed to help you make the most of these provisions and avoid paying unnecessary income tax or making costly mistakes. This report is only an introduction. Consult the references and links provided for complete information on the topic. Also understand that we are discussing Federal income tax here. Many states have their own taxing systems which can be dramatically different from federal taxation and is usually an ad valorum, severance, or yield tax. Remember these five points when filing your Federal income taxes on timber: Establish Your Basis Its key to establish your basis as soon as possible and to keep good records. Basis is a measure of your investment in timber as opposed to what you paid for the land and other capital assets acquired. Record your cost of acquiring forestland or the value of inherited forest land as soon as possible. When selling your timber in the future, you can use these costs as a depletion deduction. Adjust or step up your basis for new purchases or investments. Step down your basis for sales or other disposals. Keep records to include a management plan and map, receipts for business transactions, diaries, and landowner meeting agendas. Report basis and timber depletion on IRS Form T,â€Å"Forest Activities Schedule, Part II. You are required to file a Form T if you claim some timber depletion deductions or sell timber. Owners with occasional sales may be excepted from this requirement, but it is considered prudent to file. File your years documentation using this electronic version Form T. Know Whats Deductible If you own a forest to make money, ordinary and necessary expenses incurred for managing forest land as a business or an investment are deductible even if there is no current income from the property. This includes if youve performed reforestation work or established significant timber stand regeneration costs. You can deduct outright the first $10,000 of qualified reforestation expenses during the taxable year. In addition, you can amortize (deduct), over 8 years, all reforestation expenses in excess of $10,000. (Due to a half-year convention, you can only claim one-half of the amortizable portion the first tax year, so it actually takes 8 tax years to recover the amortizable portion.) Do You Quality for Long-Term Capital Gains? If you sold standing timber during the taxable year held for over 12 months, Yyu may be able to benefit from the long-term capital gains provisions on timber sale income which will lower your tax obligation. When you sell standing timber either lump-sum or on a pay-as-cut basis, the net proceeds generally qualify as a long-term capital gain. Remember, you can qualify for this long-term capital gains treatment on timber only if you hold the timber over one year. You do not have to pay self-employment tax on capital gains. Did You Have a Timber Loss? If you had a timber loss during the taxable year, you can, in most cases, only take a deduction for (casualty) losses that are physical in nature and caused by an event or combination of events that has run its course (fires, floods, ice storms and tornadoes). Remember that your deduction for a casualty or qualifying non-casualty loss is limited to your timber basis, minus any insurance or salvage compensation. Make Required Reports to the IRS If you had federal or state cost-share assistance during the taxable year via receiving a form 1099-G, you are obligated to report it to the IRS. You may choose to exclude some or all of it but you must report it. But if the program qualifies for exclusion, you can choose either to include the payment in your gross income and make full use of beneficial tax provisions or to calculate and exclude the excludable amount. Excludable cost-share assistance includes the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP payments only), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP), Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP). Several states also have cost-share programs that qualify for exclusion. Adapted from USFS, Cooperative Forestry, Tax Tips for Forest Landowners by Linda Wang, Forest Taxation Specialist and John L. Greene, Research Forester, Southern Research Station. Based on a 2011 report.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Ap American Dbq
There was a change, not a reformulation regarding political ideas and the ideas of the American Constitution that were part of the decision made by Jackson. Before Jackson the Native Americans were allowed their land but Jackson changed this policy for a racist agenda. The Indian Removal Act Of 1830, which evicted the Native Americans, was a change that had not been in place with the Native Americans before (Docs. A, H). The treaties brought about no benefit. Before Jacksons administration there had been agreements made between the Cherokees and the federal government (Doc. E).Jackson changed the idea of having treaties by saying the treaties with Indians are an absurdity (Doc. H). Instead of compromise Jackson wanted domination, a clear change in policy. The Intercourse Act, a constitutional law, protected the rights of the Indians (Doc. D). In the case of Cherokee Nation V. Georgia the Cherokees lost the case and therefore lost their protection. However, it can be argued that even if the Cherokees had won the case, Jackson still would have removed them from their land. Jackson had no respect for John Marshals decisions and, therefore, showed little respect for the Constitution.The Native Americans were no way a threat to the U. S. , nor were they savages. They were like the Americans in that they owned nice houses (Doc. L), were educated, farmed, many were Christian, and some were slave owners. Their constitutional republic was even modeled after the United States. John C. Calhoun even wrote in a letter to Henry Clay in 1820, he said that the Native tribes appear to be making gradual advances in industry and civilization (Doc. J). From the beginning of the United States, Native Americans were given rights to act as independent nations, and those rights were to be respected by following the Constitution.For example, Henry Knox, the Secretary of War in 1 789, wrote to President George Washington, The Indians, being the prior occupants, possess the right of the soil. It cannot be taken from them unless by their free consent, or by the right of conquest in case of a just war, (Document B). Because of this, the LIST allowed the Natives on American land their independent nations as they were the prior occupants, and their land shouldve never be taken unless they agreed to it or they were to lose it in a war. Although the united States policy sounded fair, for many years, the Natives were intentionally tricked into treaties that gave up huge amount of territory to the whites. Jacksons administrations decision to remove the Cherokee Indians was a change encompassing moral, political, constitutional, and practical changes, disregarding prior administrations concerns for his personal agenda. He passed the Indian Removal Act of 1 830 which evicted the Native Americans from their land, which angered them and could have brought about fighting.The Indians were further irritated when they tried to sue in Federal Court but were denied in Cherokee Nation Vs.. Georgia. They were more satisfied when they won the Worcester vs. . Georgia case. The Native Americans were at peace with the prior Administration and were happy with their land. When Jackson took office, the Native Americans were forced to move out of their homeland to lands west of the Mississippi, which was not something that would have been done in the previous administrations.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House - Essay Example Architects have delivered their inputs towards achieving tremendous structures that do not only offer purpose, but also meet the expectations placed on the outlook of the structure. Architects have applied the principles used to achieve stability in a structure, and incorporated them with design principles that uphold design. Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959 was an architect who applied the required components in his designs to achieve a consistency required to create an identity in his designs. The American architect and Interior designer based his concepts in designing structures that incorporated human comfort with the environmental features. His philosophy, later appreciated as organic architecture led to the advancement of a school of technique identified today as Usonian style (Twombly 270). He applied the concept in the early 30s in times when economic recession was at its peak to apply affordable materials to apply his skill. His structures were based on the need to deliver social tran sformation that humanity had learnt to appreciate. Of his famous structures stand the Hanna House situated at Stanford University in San Francisco. The design of the structure was unique because it was amongst the first structures that he completed and lacked rectangular forms. This paper highlights Frank Lloyd’s Hanna House in San Francisco with the concepts he applied its completion and significance. Concepts and style applied The Usonian house concept applied in the Hanna House had distinctive features that could be related to the structure (Wright, Mumford, Pfiffer and Wojtowicz 188). These structures were erected on gridded concrete with sandwich walls containing layers of wood pieces and building papers, contrary to the framed walls. The outstanding feature was flat roofs, mostly devoid of basements. An additional feature within the structures included small kitchen spaces situated to be adjoining the dining. Hanna House situated at the Stanford University has gained a reference to the Honeycomb building. This name was generated due to its outstanding features that employed hexagonal unit adapted by Wright from his octagonal building style. Purpose, contents and materials used The construction of the building began in 1937, and it saw its expansion in the next 25 years. The hexagonal design it applied gave a plan featuring six sided angled at 120-degrees to integrate the house with its setting witnessed in a sloping typographic form. Wright had designed the premise for Paul Hanna and Jean, his wife who had been famous educators at the university (Quinan 242). The design that he had initially created was meant to be accommodated in flat terrain that failed to meet its target. The structure of the building and he design incorporated in its completion led to the identity of its architect, Wright into a renowned American architect, and the building’s rank raised to be a National Historic Landmark. The distinction by Wright to develop a structur e that included a peculiar setting to deter from the recognized rectangular plan (Langmead 218). This had come at a time when the concept alter the dimension of the structure and incorporate stability that would ensure a unique building completion. The applied material to complete the structure was witnessed in the wooden finish that Hanna house depicted. Wright had applied the term Wooden House to call his invention, but the material applied on close inspection included red brick incorporated with
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Gender and development projects which focus only on women are doomed Essay
Gender and development projects which focus only on women are doomed to fail - Essay Example In this paper we will start with the theoretical approaches regarding women and development. Various gender and development projects especially those directed only towards women will also be discussed. We will restrict our study to Latin America only. We will discuss a few development projects actually designed and implemented in Latin America. For this purpose we will take the example of the projects conducted by World Bank. We will also try to analyze the impact and success of these projects. There is general view that development projects directed towards women only, are doomed to fail we will also try to form an opinion about it and will try to find the answer as well.A theoretical debate on development has identified three major paths upon which the framework for development is based. They are namely Women in Development (WID), Women and Development (WAD), and Gender and Development. In order to develop a sound understanding of these frameworks we will discuss them in detail. 1( Nalini Visvanathan, Lynn Duggan, Laurie Nisonoff, 2005).Women in Development (WID) is the most dominant and probably the oldest framework as well. WID subscribes to the assumptions of the modernization theory. Modernization theory assumes that traditional theories are male dominated and authoritative whereas modern theories were democratic and egalitarian and they did not believe in oppression by men. But it was realized that the benefits of modernization actually did not helped the position of women. Its benefits did not reach them but to the contrary in some cases it undermined their existing position. The focus of this theory was to integrate women in the productive role in the economic and welfare of the society. Strategies were devised even if that requires changes in the legal system to minimize disadvantages against the productive role of the women. Questions regarding women became important and visible in the development theory and practice. This theory had non-confrontation al approach. It did not question the existing social structures. It made no attempt in identifying the factors which resulted in modernization non beneficial for women. It ignored the influence of social, cultural, religious factors on the state of women. The second theory Women and Development (WID) emerged as the critique of the modernization theory and WID. It is derived from the dependency theory. With the onset of capitalism it is believed that men had greater opportunities and hence it resulted in the spread of gender hierarchy. Production for exchange which was dominated by men replaced production for use and hence it became the public opinion. The main focus of this theory was that women have always been part of the production process so the concept of integrating women in development is a myth. Its main emphasis is on the processes so this theory focuses on the relationship between woman and development process. The main contribution of this theory is that recognizes the im portance of women as an important economic actor in their
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Hr Provision Essay Example for Free
Hr Provision Essay Provision function: is a consecutive process of human resources planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, placement and incorporation. HR Planning The ongoing process of systematic planning is to achieve optimum use of an organizations most valuable asset its human resources. The objective of HR planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. Sands Corporation would have to look at the three key elements of the HR planning process, which are: forecasting labour demand, analyzing present labour supply, and balancing projected labour demand and supply. Proper human resource planning will enable Sands HR department to plan recruitment, selection, training and career development . The HR plan needs to be flexible enough to meet short-term staffing challenges, while adapting to changing conditions in the business and environment over the longer term. Job Analysis and Design Job analysis is the process by which HR systematically investigate the task, duties and responsibilities of the jobs within an organisation. For human resource to be effective, Sands HR must be aware of the essentials that amount to each position. That is there should be a process whereby the substance, demands and responsibilities of a job are determined. Therefore two sets of information should originate from job analysis. First, Job Description which is the document that identifies and defines: a job in terms of duties, responsibilities, tasks and supervisory relationships. Second, Job Specification which is a written statement which emphasises the characteristics required from the incumbent to perform the job successfully, which should include skills, abilities and knowledge . Recruitment and selection the process of acquiring applicants who are available and qualified to fill the positions and choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position. Recruitment usually comes about as a result of HR planning and vacant positions that have to be filled. The staffing personnel, should use the job analysis as the point of departure, and follow steps such as recruitment planning, recruitment action (how, where and when), the type of recruiting source, screening and selecting . HR manager and the staffing personnel should through the recruiting process, consider the legal aspects as well, such as the labour Relation Act, No. 66 of 1995, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, No. 75 of 1997 and the Employment Equity Act, no. 55 of 1998. Placement this is the process by which the staffing specialist will place a new appointed employee in an organisation, or transfer existing employees are transferred to new posts. Placement is important because of the heterogeneity of the labour groups. The staffing personnel should make sure that there is â€Å"FIT†between the job itself and the new job incumbent, so that there would be high productivity and a lower turn over from the new incumbent. It should be clear that placement is a combination of the employers’ requirement to fill a position successfully and the employee’s motivation to reach the top. Incorporation The specialist in training and development should attend and make sure that the new employee settles into the new position. The employee should be provided with the information regarding the organisation and its culture through orientation, must also be given specific information about the position and the department should be given through induction. The new employee must be made to feel part of the new work group as soon as possible. The training personnel need to explain the organisations policies, rules and regulations to the new employee as well as counter negative influences by fellow workers.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Violence in Video Games Essay -- essays research papers
Violence in Video Games and Its Affects on Teens Ever since their conception, video games have contained violence; violence being to cause pain or death onto other beings. From early video games to the most advanced, violence plays an important role. Early games like Wonder Boy and Space Invaders contain violence. Space Invaders involves shooting and killing as many alien as possible. Wonder Boy has our hero killing monsters that vanish upon death. The hero is also subjected to violence as enemies swing swords, and throws rocks at him. The degree of violence in video games is based upon personal preference. Does violence in video games contribute to violent act committed by teens? And, what makes teens turn to violence? Being exposed to violence everyday, kids become blunt to it and it becomes a normal thing. It a defense mechanism, a form of denial says Dr. Peter Nieman, a Pediatrician. Video games are seen as fantasy but really help to make violence more acceptable in our society says university of Toronto Sociologist Walter Podichak. There are still many questions whether some video games are more violent than some comic books or some cartoons. It’ s a problem for some kids who are not connected and are dealing with violent images, they may think this is an appropriate behavior. If they have access to a gun, you may see a problem says Det. Sgt. John Muise, of the Ontario office of victims of Crimes. (Source 3) Examples of violent video games and their content In m...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Minimum Wage Essay
In this year’s State of the Union Address to Congress, President Obama recommended raising the minimum wage to benefit workers who cannot support themselves and their families with their current salaries. The articles, Why We Need to Raise the Minimum Wage and Why We Shouldn’t Raise the Minimum Wage tell us that there were some controversies in raising the minimum wage. As an economics major, I believe it is a bad idea to raise the minimum wage because it creates more unemployment, and it will reduce entry-level jobs. Since increasing minimum wage is not the solution to the poor people, the government should rather increase the earned income tax credit than minimum wage. In the article Why We Need to Raise the Minimum Wage by Andy Stern and Carl Camden, the authors support raising of minimum wage. They argue that raising the minimum wage could reward hardworking Americans by providing basic needs such as basic medical insurance and living in secure housing. Since the low wages are not enough to get those basic needs, workers are getting paid in cash because they can avoid tax responsibilities. The authors allege that raising the minimum wage will restore dignity and value to low-wage work. Conversely, in the article Why We Shouldn’t Raise the Minimum Wage, author Kevin A. Hassett and Michael R. Strain argue that raising the minimum wage does not recover from poverty, and it is a dishonest approach to hide the true cost of the government policy. According to the authors only 11.3 percent of workers from the poor would benefit from raising the minimum wage. Many people who live in poverty do not work, and workers who earn the minimum wage are normally not the primary breadwinners in their households. Hasset and Strain assert that increasing the minimum wage is an insincere approach of the politicians because minimum wage law could provide an opportunity to score political points easily. Even though, expanding the earned income tax credit is much more efficient, the government do not want it because they do not want to use money directly out from treasury. In the economical perspective, raising the minimum wage is a bad idea because it creates more unemployment and reduces entry-level jobs. From the point of view of basic supply and demand, employers and workers adjust the quantity of supplied labor according to wages until the quantity of labor demanded equals to the quantity of labor supplied, reaching an equilibrium wage. However, the minimum wage policy ignores the market price by setting a price floor higher than the equilibrium wage. According to the law of demand, few employers will be willing to hire workers if the minimum wage is increased, and it will create unemployment. Moreover, if minimum wage increases there will be fewer entry-level jobs than before because firms will no longer hire unskilled workers at higher cost. Entry-level jobs are good for younger and unskilled workers. Eliminating these jobs makes it difficult for the low skilled and younger workers to find suitable employment. As mentioned in Hasset and Strain’s article raising the minimum wage is not the solution to poverty because workers who earn the minimum wage are generally secondary earners like an elderly parent earning some retirement income, a spouse with a part time job, or they are young people living with their parents. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, in 2009, expansion of EITC lifted 3.1 million people out of poverty. In conclusion, earned income tax credit will be a more efficient tool than minimum wage policy.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Science of Stars
Stars are well recognized astronomical objects in our solar system and represent building blocks of galaxies. The history and dynamics of a star in a galaxy depends on its age, distribution, and composition. The stars are responsible for elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. A star’s life begins very small, like many more things in the universe. They begin as, apart from anything else, particles in clouds of dust and gas. They remain cold for ages. The disturbance of a comet or other object that moves through the cloud will then make particles collide and clumps will begin to form. Over the course of a million years, clumps will grow into what we call â€Å"protostar†and draw in more gases and grow even hotter. This is how stars are formed and is a point in a star’s life. Astronomers determine composition, color, and temperature of stars and other distant objects with an essential tool called a spectroscopy. Astronomers have used this tool since the 1800’s to analyze emitted light spectra. When a star gives off light and the light splits by prism, the spectral pattern reflects a star’s composition. All stars are 95% hydrogen, so the variations in composition reveal its age, luminosity, and origin. Composition of gases can be determined by observing the light of a star. Astronomers can determine the temperature of a star from its color and its spectrum. All stars have different colors. They have different colors due to its light radiation. There are a few different ways astronomers can determine a star’s temperature. One way is to measure a star’s color. They use three filters that transmit light in three different wavelength ranges. Astronomers then take the intensity ratio of the light. Another way to determine the temperature of a star is to examine the spectral lines in the starlight. Science of Stars3 Astronomers also use a tool called the electromagnetic spectrum to determine the composition, temperature, speed, and rotation rate of stars and other distant objects. Rotation rates are measured by using telescopes or space probes. Astronomers pick a particular feature on an object and then determine how long the feature takes to move from one side to the other side. For an example, the Sun has a rotation rate of about 25 days. One planet in our solar system that is difficult for astronomers to observe rotation rate is Earth. That is because we live on Earth and rotate with it. As stars progress through their lives they move around in the H-R diagram since their properties change over a period of time. In the H-R diagram it plots luminosity, spectral type, and also temperature. If a star is plotted higher up on the diagram on the vertical plane, this means that the stars are brighter. If a star is plotted in the horizontal plane to the left, this means that these stars are the hottest. Stars spend most of their lifetime in what is known as the main sequence in the H-R diagram. In this phase of a star’s life, they burn hydrogen into helium. Also at this point, the star’s size and luminosity remain constant because their forces have reached a near-equilibrium. Stars will remain in the main sequence until they reach a certain mass. Stars that are called supergiants in the H-R diagram and lie along the top right are luminous and cool. The stars that are called white dwarfs and are plotted at the bottom left of the diagram are fainter, hotter stars. The red giant stars are the stars of great luminosity and size. They form a thick horizontal band that joins the main sequence. All the stars on the H-R diagram are plotted by their color horizontally and their luminosity vertically. All the colors are coded from O (blue), B (blue), A (blue-white), F (white), G (yellow), K (orange), and M (red). Science of Stars4 In the center of our solar system lies a star called â€Å"the Sun†. Its color is white, but appears to us on Earth as yellow and is considered a main sequence star. The life cycle of the Sun, just like any other star starts with a cloud of gas and dust composed mainly of hydrogen collapses under gravitational forces. It was formed about 4. 5 billion years ago determined by scientists using the Sun’s current main sequence age. Right now, the Sun is believed to be about halfway through its main sequence evolution. The Sun should spend about 10 billion years as a main sequence star. It will enter the red giant stage in about 5 billion years. By the time it reaches to be a giant star stage, the Sun will have lost about 30% of its mass due to a stellar wind. The orbits of the planets will move outward then. Eventually our Earth will be swallowed by the Sun. The Sun living in the main sequence is gradually becoming more luminous and its temperature is slowly rising. After the red giant stage, the Sun’s outer layers will be thrown off. It will cool and fade into the white dwarf stage. As of right now, the Sun’s life cycle is the main sequence stage. It is considered middle aged at 4. 5 billion years old. The Sun is currently fusing hydrogen in its core and has been for the last 5,000 million years, and it is expected to continue fusing hydrogen for at least another 4,000 million years. The main sequence stage is the longest and most stable phase of its existence and this stage lasts about 10 billion years for a star. The main sequence is also the first stage of a star after becoming a star, right after the protostar stage. The following stage after the main sequence stage would be the red giant stage. I have now discussed in this paper how astronomers determine composition, temperature, speed, and rotation rate of distant objects. I explained the properties of the stars in the H-R Science of Stars5 diagram, summarized the life cycle of the Sun, and also stated where the Sun is currently in its life cycle.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Formas de probar que el matrimonio no es falso
Formas de probar que el matrimonio no es falso Es bien sabido que los ciudadanos americanos y los residentes permanentes legales pueden pedir por matrimonio los papeles de la green card para sus cà ³nyuges, tanto en el caso de matrimonios entre un varà ³n y una mujer como en el de entre personas del mismo sexo. De hecho, el matrimonio es la forma ms frecuente para obtener la tarjeta de residencia (green card) y una de las ms rpidas. Precisamente porque esta forma de obtener la green card ofrece la ventaja de ser rpida y relativamente fcil, las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n estn atentas para intentar detectar los casos fraudulentos en los que el matrimonio es por conveniencia. Y si se descubre, se impone un castigo. En este artà culo se informa de 12 documentos que pueden ser utilizados para despejar toda posible duda sobre el carcter verdadero del matrimonio. Adems, informacià ³n sobre cunto se est demorando en obtener estos papeles, cundo el matrimonio con ciudadano o con residente no es suficiente para obtener la green card y quà © se puede hacer si se es và ctima de un matrimonio de conveniencia. Documentos para probar que un matrimonio no es de conveniencia Acta de nacimiento de los hijos que los cà ³nyuges tienen en comà ºn. Si la esposa estuviese embarazada, un certificado mà ©dico en el que asà se hace constar. Cartas o postales de familiares y amigos enviadas a la casa que comparten los esposos.Contrato de alquiler o lease de vivienda o hipoteca de compra, para demostrar que se vive en comà ºn o que se ha comprado propiedad conjuntamente.Contrato de jubilacià ³n, seguro mà ©dico o de vida a nombre de un esposo pero en el que el otro aparece como beneficiario.Extractos de cuentas bancarias que se tienen a nombre de los dos esposos.Extractos de tarjetas de crà ©dito de las que son titulares ambos cà ³nyuges. Fotos de los esposos de la boda, vacaciones, fiestas, etc. Es conveniente que en las fotos aparezcan, adems, amigos y familiares.Pertenencia a asociaciones de todo tipo en la que el marido y la mujer figuren conjuntamente. Recibos de viajes en avià ³n, hoteles, restaurantes, etc. que muestren que durante los meses que han estado separados (como novios o como esposos o en ambas situaciones) los cà ³nyuges se han visitado y han pasado tiempo juntos. Recibos de regalos, como el del anillo de compromiso o tà picos regalos de enamorados.Recibos de facturas de telà ©fono e incluso fotocopias de correos electrà ³nicos u otro tipo de comunicacià ³n (whatsapps, cartas, etc). Registracià ³n del auto mostrando que pertenece a los dos esposos. Cà ³mo entender esta lista Son sà ³lo ejemplos. No se necesita tener todo. Es ms, en ocasiones presentar prueba de todo lo mencionado puede levantar las sospechas del oficial consular o del de inmigracià ³n (depende del caso ser uno un otro). Ya que las personas que celebran matrimonios de conveniencia suelen precisamente seguir estas instrucciones al pie de la letra. Cada matrimonio es un mundo, y como tal, unos tendrn unas pruebas y otros otras. Lo importante de la lista es servir de parmetro, dar ideas, incluir algunas no especificadas y de las enumeradas las que de buena fe se ajusten a la realidad del matrimonio. Tambià ©n es conveniente, repasar las preguntas que pueden hacer las autoridades con ese mismo fin: quedarse convencidos de que el matrimonio es real. Cundo el matrimonio verdadero no es suficiente para obtener la green card Aunque en general la tramitacià ³n de una solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio no presenta mayores problemas, sà que hay un asunto a tener en cuenta, porque si es el caso estamos antes un gran problema: el caso de los inmigrantes indocumentados. Aquà hay que distinguir varios casos: 1. Indocumentado que cruzà ³ ilegalmente la frontera y que se casa con ciudadano. NO puede ajustar su estatus y tendr que salir del paà s para completar el proceso. Al llegar a la entrevista en el consulado se le negar la visa de inmigrante para retornar por aplicacià ³n del castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os. Aunque en algunos casos posible pedir una waiver o perdà ³n, es un proceso que se demora y que en la realidad implica que los esposos van a estar separados por bastante tiempo. 2. Indocumentado que se casa con ciudadano que ingresà ³ legalmente pero ahora est como indocumentado porque no salià ³ de Estados Unidos a tiempo. En este caso se puede ajustar el estatus. 3. Indocumentado que se casa con residente. No puede ajustar su estatus y no importa si ingresà ³ ilegalmente no legalmente. Simplemente no es una opcià ³n con lo cual hay el problema de salir del paà s y si la estancia ilegal fue superior a los 180 dà a entonces aplicar el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os. Todos los caso en los que hay una situacià ³n de ilegalidad de por medio hay que consultar con un abogado de migracià ³n reputado. Existen en casos muy especiales opciones como el Parole in Place si se est casado con un militar, reservista o veterano o el caso de la waiver provisional por dureza extrema, que permite viajar fuera de Estados Unidos para la entrevista en el consulado con la waiver en la mano, evitando asà estancias grandes separados de la familia. Son todos casos delicados y antes de iniciar el papeleo hay que asesorarse. Por otro lado, incluso en los casos en los que se ingresa legalmente y no se produce situacià ³n de ilegalidad por quedarse ms tiempo que el permitido hay que tener en cuenta que casarse en Estados Unidos con visa de turista y luego intentar arreglar los papeles puede ser muy problemtico si no se respetan ciertas normas. Asimismo, tener en cuenta que adems de casarse y que el matrimonio sea verdadero, todavà a hay ms requisitos a cumplir, como que el patrocinador, es decir el cà ³nyuge estadounidense o residente, tenga ingresos suficientes o cuente con un co-patrocinador, ya que deber probarlo y asumir responsabilidades econà ³micas al firmar la declaracià ³n de sostenimiento, conocida en inglà ©s como affidavit of support. Finalmente, hay ciertas situaciones que, si se dan, harn que todo la tramitacià ³n fracase. Son los casos en los que se niega la green card por razones que tienen que ver con el presente o el pasado de la persona a la que se pide. En algunos casos la negacià ³n ser definitiva, en otros temporal y en otros se puede intentar levantar el castigo mediante la solicitud de una waiver. Quà © puede hacer una và ctima de un matrimonio de conveniencia Puede suceder que un ciudadano o un residente se casa por amor y posteriormente se da cuenta que se han casado con à ©l o con ella por interà ©s. En este caso, tiene varias opciones. La ms fcil es desistir mediante la cancelacià ³n de la peticià ³n, pero esto es posible sà ³lo dependiendo del momento en que se produzca. Y tambià ©n es posible denunciar la situacià ³n de un matrimonio de conveniencia a las autoridades migratorias. Por à ºltimo, el divorcio puede afectar - o no- a la persona que obtuvo su residencia por matrimonio. Por lo que este punto es conveniente tenerlo claro. Quà © puede hacer un extranjero que se casa por amor pero es và ctima de una relacià ³n abusiva Puede darse la situacià ³n en la que es el residente o el ciudadano el que abusa de su cà ³nyuge extranjero amenazndole con parar la tramitacià ³n de los papeles. Estas son situaciones para hablar inmediatamente con un abogado de inmigracià ³n y ahà estudiar opciones como si serà a posible, por ejemplo, pedir con à ©xito la aplicacià ³n de VAWA o si el divorcio puede afectar a la obtencià ³n de papeles, como ya se seà ±alà ³ anteriormente. En todo caso estos son asuntos muy delicados en los que est el juego la situacià ³n migratoria y el poder permanecer legalmente en los Estados Unidos por lo que lo ms sensato y aconsejable para hacer es asesorarse con un abogado migratorio que ya haya ganado este tipo de casos. Opciones migratorias a pedir la green card por matrimonio Los ciudadanos americanos, y sà ³lo ellos, pueden pedir visas de novios para sus prometidos, cuando el fin es contraer matrimonio en Estados Unidos. Es decir, esa visa que se conoce como K-1 permite al novio extranjero ingresar al paà s, casarse y despuà ©s ya se solicita la green card mediante un ajuste de estatus. Asimismo, los ciudadanos  y sà ³lo ellos pueden solicitar una visa K-3 para traer a su cà ³nyuge extranjero a vivir a Estados Unidos. Una vez aquà , mediante un ajuste de estatus, obtendr la residencia permanente. Esta es una opcià ³n poco conocida y que sà ³lo debe utilizarse en lugar de pedir la green card en casos muy concretos. Uno de los ms comunes es cuando las demoras en la tramitacià ³n de la visa de inmigrante son muy largas, ms incluso que la de esta visa. Salvo esos casos muy concretos lo cierto es que no merece la pena y es mejor iniciar ya el proceso con una peticià ³n de visa de inmigrante. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Our country should do more to help our homeless Essay
Our country should do more to help our homeless - Essay Example Dissolving Stereotypes Because of recent public awareness campaigns by governmental and private agencies such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Coalition for the Homeless respectively, long-standing common stereotypes of the homeless are steadily evaporating. Images of imaginatively clothed white-bearded, haggard, leather-faced men sitting against an alley wall holding a brown paper bag with a bottle of cheap booze inside have toady morphed into imagery that is closer to the truth such as a single mom with children living at a shelter or a family living in their car. The estimated 500,000 children that are homeless in America at any one time and their mothers are the fastest growing sector of the homeless population in the U.S. According to existing studies conducted of homeless shelters minor account for close to 40 percent of the homeless population. More than 40 percent of these children are preschool age. (Gray, 2011). It is a false impressi on that the majority homeless persons really prefer that type of terrible lifestyle and could possibly adjust to it. Studies confirm that close 100 percent of homeless persons certainly would never choose this lifestyle one more day if they had an alternative. Who would? Another universal myth regarding the homeless is that they made bad decisions therefore are responsible for their own destiny. In addition to the great numbers of homeless children who are blameless, many adults are victims of easy to understand circumstances too. Some military veterans suffer from both physical and mental disabilities resulting from warfare and cannot sustain an ‘ordinary’ existence. Other victims of homelessness were abused as children or were themselves raised in homeless environment. Still other people fall into the destructive cycle of drug and alcohol addiction which decimates their family and working life. Some have become ‘unemployable’ for a variety of reasons or c an find only unskilled and/or low-paying employment after having higher paying jobs and now cannot afford their house payments. Whatever the reason, the results are the same. â€Å"All homeless are victims in the sense that they do not have a place to call home.†(â€Å"Facts and Myths†, 2007). Men, Women and Children Twenty-five percent of women who are homeless find themselves in this dangerous and demeaning situation because they are escaping abusive behavior in their home. Unsurprisingly, men seldom report this reason for being homeless but a percentage, though statistically insignificant, cite an abusive home as the central reason they are homeless. Men’s most often reason given is unemployment and the second most for women. â€Å"Although there is a 13.4 percent difference between males and females, unemployment is also an important reason of homelessness for women. More than one tenth of homeless women leave home because of employment†(â€Å" Women and Men†, 2001). Other than spousal abuse and to a lesser degree joblessness, the differences between the declared causes for homelessness are statistically identical for men and women. Approximately the same numbers of both genders say alcohol and drug abuse, protracted disabilities or illnesses and running out of federal aid caused their homelessness. Recent research and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Macroeconomic indicators of India and Vietnam Essay
Macroeconomic indicators of India and Vietnam - Essay Example The working population of Vietnam is composed of a young, easy to develop labour force. Considering the high labour available at both India and Vietnam, foreign investors can invest in the food manufacturing sector, as the agricultural inputs are readily available. Through investing in food manufacturing, the investors will benefit from the readily available unskilled and semi-skilled labour force. In Vietnam, the improvement of the regulatory environment has fostered the credibility of the business environment, but corruption and the unequal implementation of regulatory standards is still hampering business development. As a former colony of the British, India has a large English-speaking and highly educated labour force. The agricultural sector of Vietnam is highly competitive, and the economy also draws a lot from the light industry and the aquaculture sectors. For instance, Vietnam is among the largest rice and coffee exporters in the world. Due to the high potential of the agric ultural sector of Vietnam, investing in food manufacturing is likely to be encouraged by the government since it forms part of the transition to high-value production. Vietnam offers a higher level of â€Å"ease to do business,†which draws from the favourable nature of the licensing policies of the country. The policies on obtaining a business license and those on taxation are favourable to new market entrants. The ease of entry will help investors enter the Vietnamese economy easily, as well as enhance the economic potential of the agricultural sector. In outsourcing business, a well developed transport system plays a key role since better transport networks improve the distribution of goods from inland factories to... This paper presents a modern comparative analysis of the national economies of India and Vietnam with respect to their respective investment attractiveness to the foreign investors. India and Vietnam are the seventh and thirteenth largest countries in the world respectively. India is the world’s second-largest country by national population. Vietnam has a working class expansion, among the 18 and 27 years group. India is among the fastest growing economies in the world, with a GDP that averages 9 percent for the four economic years before year 2012. In the case of Vietnam, the 20 years of economic change and reforms have changed the Vietnamese economy into a dynamic, fast-growing emerging economy. The Indian economy has risen into a global leader in business processing, technology, pharmaceuticals and telecommunication industries. Demographic statistics are critical in determining the working population, prospects of national consumption and future employment profiles. From the labour profile of Asia and India, investing in food manufacturing will be a good investment for the two economies. Investing in food manufacturing will be efficient, as the inputs for food processing are available, and labour is available at India and Vietnam. The factors that limit investing in India and Vietnam include the poor transport network, external shocks, and the demand for the economies’ goodsA number of recommendations are presented for the Indian and the Vietnamese economies to enhance the competitiveness
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